**This is probably a good time to mention that no, incase you haven't noticed, these aren't the actual
pictures of the people I'm referring too, seeing as how I'm pretty certain aleast two of them would probably kill me if I
used their actual pictures! This being the case, I'm using the next best thing as a representation, my absolute
favorite television family of all time, The Simpsons. Also, the fact remains that I just couldn't make a website without
having something Simpson on it.

- My wonderful husband, has accompanied my ghost hunting in cold weather and rain. He surely deserves credit
because he has taken me down muddy, dirt roads to railroad crossings that seemed to pop out of nowhere in the
middle of the night. He is also the one who has waited with me patiently for countless hours, and understood
when I wanted to spend Valentine's Day looking for ghosts. He is also to thank for helping me take pictures and videotaping.
There has also been a place or two that he accompanied me to that no one else would.

Hazel -
I am so thrilled to have to honor of introducing you to the newest, and definately one of the most exciting and wonderfully
supportive members of the "crew". Hazel has quickly become a best friend, and not to mention, an awesome ghost hunting buddy
who has never let me down. In addition to this, she has also introduced me to great new locations and experiences that
I would have never discovered without her and got me back into the swing of things. She also has a super cool and supportive
husband who we're hoping to be able to draft into hunting with us someday...Whether it is a creepy little deserted cemetary
down a long dirt road, the house next door, or even one of those terror envoking irrigation sytems that has baffled us in
the past with its "unexplainable light in the middle of the field";), we've always had a blast to say the least. I feel
so fortunate to have found such a wonderful friend who enjoys this hobby as much as I do.

Cheryl -
Definitely one of my dearest and closest friends; one of my main ghost hunting buddies who was quite possibly the one most
uncomfortable with the idea, but went anyway because she cared enough to humor me or either got tired of my constant nagging
and begging, or maybe alittle bit of both;) I honestly have Cheryl to thank for taking interest and accompanying me on the
majority of my hunts, and even the times she didn't get to go, she helped me analyze my pictures (by far the best picture
analyst yet!!) and look for evidence. Whether it was a mysterious haunted hill that we were in search of (that we are
yet to find), an old deserted church with a cemetery winding deep into the tick infested woods, Andersonville Prison Site
on a sweltering day in the middle of July, or a creepy little wooden bridge on the outskirts of Columbus, it can honestly
be said that we have had our share of good times and interesting hunts, despite the wrong directions we were given once in
awhile and the occasional car lockout incident. It was all great and even though she hasn't had a chance to join
me in any adventures lately, I anxiously await the day she will be able to accompany me on a hunt once more, for it goes
without saying that I greatly miss her, she's the best.

- Good ol' Julie, a very special friend I've known since that very first day of college, who accompanied me on a
ghost hunt that was especially spectacular. This hunt was one of the few occasions that my meter went crazy and we came home
with an awesome evp. We had a great time, (even though it did take awhile to be convinced that we infact
we hadn't brought the ghost home in the with us in the back seat:). Special thanks to Julie for gathering
information on this location and joining me on this particular hunt when no one else would.

Kelli and Ricky
- Two of my friends at work who atleast deserve to be honorary members of the "hunting crew". Even though they have
never technically been on a hunt, they've both had to listen to countless ghost stories, look at way too many pictures, and
endure my endless convincing that ghosts truely exist. Kelli says that since she has never had a chance to go on a hunt,
she lives vicariously through me. However, we have been to a cemetary or two on several occasions,
but unfortunatley, no ghosts presented themselves. Ricky has been my Twin Churches expert. He even had a family
member that was a preacher there at one time, so needless to say, Ricky and I have had many Twin Churches discussions.
Big thanks to these two special people who have heard their fair share of my ghostly experiences.

- It occurred to me as I was giving this page one final inspection that it seemed I was leaving someone out. Turns out,
that someone was me! There's not really a whole lot to say about myself, but I can say that in the past year
or two, I have really enjoyed learning about ghosts and ghosts hunting, and I always loved learning of a new haunted
location that I am not aware of. None of this would have been possible without these wonderful friends of mine. Although
it has been awhile since my last exploration, I hope to get back into the swing of things here pretty soon.