Located between Americus and Smithville, is a small country road
that is paved, eventually turning into dirt, called Three Bridges Road. There are several versions of stories surrounding
this road and its reason for being haunted. As I do not want to be disrespectful to the family it involves, I believe
that it is best to withhold names from this story. It is still very real to many of the residents of Americus,
and particularly those who knew her through school and the community.
Three Bridges Road is said to be haunted by the ghost of a
young girl who was murdered and left in the creek below the bridge. Many years ago, this murder took place after the
girl had been horrendously tortured for many days in a nearby house, then was
killed and thrown into the creek.
Like I said
before, I've heard several different stories and accounts of what happens on this bridge at night. The most popular
being an image of a girl floating across the bridge at night. If you are wondering which bridge you have to park on,
it's any easy question to answer. Although it is called Three Bridges, I've never been able to find but two, and they
are connected, so pretty much if you are on one, you are on the other at the same time. I've heard stories from friends
who knew people who had been out there who actually claimed to have seen this girl's image and was approached by her.
I've also heard to make her come out, you have to perform such rituals as putting your keys on your hood, sitting with the
windows rolled down, flashing headlights three times and calling her name. It is said that the way you can tell if she
has been around is if you have new handprints on your car. Now, as for me personally, I do not believe in doing rituals
to bring out a ghost. It just doesn't seem right if you have to harrass someone or something into appearing because
then if they do, it is probably not on good terms.
So in early
February, my friend Julie and I decided to venture out to this road to see what we could find. I had my EMF meter this
time and also my voice recorder. It was almost midnight and had been raining earlier when we got to our destination.
We decided since it was very dark, very late, and wet outside, that we would sit there in the dark for a few minutes and let
the recorder record from the top of the car. Just the thoughts of what occurred there years ago was enough to make one
want to leave. We heard nothing, and had just about given up when my EMF meter that I was holding out the window went
crazy. It was the best reading I've gotten to date as a matter of fact! You can actually hear the meter going
off in the recording I have. Also, something else I would like to mention, and I'm not certain by any means what or
anything I saw, but I could have sworn that just a few seconds before the meter went off, I detected some faint, whitish movement
just out of the corner of my eye, in the rearview mirror. Now, like I said, I cannot swear to what I saw, if I saw anything,
because it was a place where the imagination was definately running wild, but I do find it odd that right after that was when
the meter went off. I regret that I do not have any pictures to post from this location, but it was rainy and not a
good time for cameras, and the one or two we took ended up being pictures of my arm, etc. The actual creepiest part came when
we got home. We agreed to wait until we were safely in the house to listen to our recording. I've edited
the versions posted here for time purposes, but in the original, you can hear me turning it on and placing it on the top of
the car, which is where it stayed, untouched by either of us until we got ready to leave. Upon listening to our recording,
you can hear a weird, faint, hum or almost moan followed by a loud thump...a thump which has all of the characteristics
of a recorder being lifted from the car, then being placed back on top. Keep in mind, neither of us were touching
it, we were inside the car. Right after that, you can hear another moan or hum sound followed by the meter going
off, then a loud gust of wind.
I cannot swear that we were encoutered by this young girl's spirit this night, I honestly believe that something paranormal
took place with us. There was no other explanation for the EMF reading, nor was there any explanation for the odd
sounds on the recorder. And there did appear to be extra handprints on the side and top of the car. And yes, we
did inventory prints prior to visiting this location.
EVP of moan and bumping sound
EVP of moan, EMF meter, then wind