The Haunted Highway
Henderson Cemetary

Something about this moon with a face just spoke to me;)


Located on a dirt road in Henderson, is this quaint little cemetary standing solitarily to itself with only some trees and grass to keep it company.  I am very fortunate to have learned of this cemetary from a very good friend who lives in this area (who I am also happy to say has become my number one ghost hunting partner).  Some years back, an old church stood here accompanied by trees complete with hanging moss and moonlight.  It has since been torn down leaving only memories and graves from days past...but is that all that remains??
We've made several trips out to this cemetary in the past couple weeks, taking pictures, attempting to record evp's and also videotaping.
Although nothing definate has come from our investigations yet, we do have pictures with odd mist, some yet-to-be-explained sounds on our recordings and a possible (maybe) orb caught on video.  In addition to these things, we've also had some strange encounters including odd flashes of light and sounds, had weird, almost unwelcomed feelings, and our batteries lost their charge very quickly here.


