Macon County's Greatest Mystery...Or Simply Local Folklore?
There are several stories
circulating about Twin
Churches and the reasons it may possibly be haunted. Although I have never really
encountered anything strange enough to rule out natural causes, I don't doubt the stories and legends that I've heard
ever since my childhood behind this spooky old place.
One version of the story
tells of Traveler's Rest C.M.E. being built many years ago. It was used up until the mid-eighties when the
congregation split up and formed a new church. Soon after, a new church building was built just a few hundred feet away,
and was an exact replica of the old church, hence the name, Twin Churches, with only a cemetery and some trees separating
them. In fact, some of the graves in this old cemetery are so old that tree roots have grown up through them, disturbing
headstones and slabs. Even though there are many versions to the story about this old church, the outcome
is always the same, it is haunted. They have ranged from people's cars dying at midnight, to visions of bodiless heads hanging from the doorways. But perhaps the best known "explanation"
of them all centers around a clergyman putting a curse on this old building. As the story goes, the preacher was caught
with a married lady of the congregation. Soon after, members of the church decided such behavior was unsuitable and
he was banished from the church. It is said that in his fury, he put a curse or sorts on the church to bring about such
evil consequences that they could no longer tolerate the old church. So this one was deserted and a new, identical one
was built right beside it. Today, what once was the original Traveler's Rest
C.M.E. is a deserted and lonely building that is turning to ruins quickly due to weather
damage. Although not very pleasing to the eye, this foreboding building has most likely provided many a thrill to the
amateur ghost hunter, curios teenager, and any other questioning soul that happened to venture in.
So I am leaving it up to
you now to decide for yourself whether this place really is haunted, or if it is just a topic of local fables. Maybe
it is mostly folklore energized by the many stories that have been told throughout the years, maybe not. The only
odd thing I have personally witnessed was the front doors shutting on their own, which can't be justified as true ghostly
activity, I don't guess, but for what it's worth, it was a wind free day when this happened. Besides that and the few
anomalies that appeared in the pictures, I have yet to witness anything else unexplainable. Twin Churches will
probably remain Macon County's mystery for years to come.